Helsinki Business College (Suomen Liikemiesten Kauppaopisto) is a private educational institution in Helsinki. Provider of Education is Helsinki Business College Ltd, which is owned in equal shares by the Foundation of Finnish Business College and the Helsinki Region Chamber of Commerce. CEO and Principal is Mr. Antti Loukola. We have 2,600 students and 175 employees. 

We are Finland’s largest provider of education leading to the Vocational Qualification in Business and Administration and the Vocational Qualification in Information and Communications Technology. In both the vocational qualifications we have included requirements in entrepreneurial knowledge and abilities either as a separate part of the qualification or as included in the objectives of several studies. We are able to offer our students high-quality teaching and counseling, and good connections with the world of work. 


Helsinki Business College has systematically invested in entrepreneurship education and innovative development of learning environments. We actively collaborate with our network partners to offer our students inspirational learning experiences and opportunities to acquire skills that prepare them for the world of work, whether as employees or entrepreneurs. On-the-job learning is an essential part of vocational education in Finland.

The second year studies of the students completing the Vocational Qualification in Business and Administration incorporate an entrepreneurial learning environment. 

The entrepreneurship studies are integrated in the vocational modules. Based on their business ideas, the students establish student companies and run them in small teams for one school year. In their operations and reporting, the companies comply with the JA Company Programme of JA Finland, which is a member of the Junior Achievement Europe network

The students who specialise in customer service and sales can choose to complete the Marketing Communication module in SLK palvelut Oy, which is a real limited liability company established by Helsinki Business College to provide students with an authentic learning environment. The studies are based on the Learning by Doing principle. The students implement different kinds of projects for companies and other organisations. 

Helsinki Business College students operate a cooperative called Arinom, which was established for learning purposes. The students who complete their studies in the cooperative acquire projects and implement them as members of the cooperative. The projects may be small-scale financial services, design and implementation of web pages, online sales systems, customer acquisition, assistance in trade fair arrangements and other business services.

SCHOOL WEBSITE: www.businesscollege.fi/en/ 

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