Our academic school, the Liceo Scientifico Leonardo, consists of three different lyceums: Scientific Lyceum with Applied Sciences option, Art Lyceum and Linguistic Lyceum. It is located in Brescia and it has 1,765 students.

The school has always had an innovative approach to education with a broad vision for the future. It is equipped with the most modern scientific laboratories, artistic studios and a music room.




The school has always been characterized by achieving excellent results in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry Olympic games, in Languages Championships and in artistic exhibitions and competitions. Good results have also been achieved in amateur theatrical performances.

We are an academic school and for this reason we haven't undertaken many entrepreneurial projects over the years but a few years ago our school started participating in the Company Programme of Junior Achievement. This programme has been accepted with great enthusiasm by all members, head teacher, teachers and students, believing that entrepreneurship education is for opening doors for the future of young people. 


"We all know that a successful entrepreneur must be resourceful, intuitive, creative, self-motivated but he/she also needs to have team spirit. A good leader must be supported by an efficient and cohesive team to obtain good results and the school represents one of the best place to develop this important attitude. We have to teach students to work together and to become the entrepreneur of their own future" - said De Zulian, ICEE coordinator teacher.

SCHOOL WEBSITE: www.liceoleonardobs.gov.it/nuovo 

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